Monday, January 30, 2012

Focus February

What a great month into this new year! I think in the month of January, God really started to unsettle our hearts about life and being complacent; As a individual and as a couple, our calling is not to stay stagnate and unfruitful! so we just felt that there was a real turning in our hearts that God is ready to open up a lot of doors for growth in our lives.

So coming into the month of February, we are putting our FOCUS on Gods will. We need a lot of direction and guidance about some opportunities that have appeared into our lives and we want to follow the will of God no matter what. Sometimes, when all the doors are closed and all you want to do is follow God's will you can become overwhelmed with not having an answer, and when those times come the wisest thing to do is to put a focus on God. One cherished friend of ours once said "when God says no, you know it! it is loud and clear that it is a N-O. But when God says yes sometimes it takes a huge leap of faith to know that it really is a Y-E-S." and in this time of focus you need faith! a word that evidently has been important in the month of January! so its all puzzling together its now just a time of waiting for a proper confirmation.

We need your help!

the most important need for this month:

PRAY! we need you to be our backup support by coming alongside with us and praying! that God will make clear of what it is suppose to do! Most importantly, that he would shut doors that need to be shut immediately and open doors and give us faith to go through them!

In this month of Focus, Faith and Waiting we will be praying and fasting once a week for God to give us clarity

there will be more details to come when we know God wants us to do!

-The A-team

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Years Resolution & Distractions

How many times do we look at January 1st and try to make a list compiled of resolutions of things we need to fix or better about ourselves and our life?

and how many times do we realize that we just write the list but fail to actually complete it. cause it seems to far out of reach?

I believe that there is one resolution should be the most important resolution.
not too difficult and not too easy that it can just happen...

New Year's Resolution #1

DO NOT give up on your dreams!

Phil & I have this huge dream of being part of something big and new. something foreign and something revolutionary for the church.

The dream we have takes alot of money, alot of support, and alot of time and effort. Honestly, it feels like it will take years for it to happen; and it just may take years to happen. But we are not giving up. Constantly, we remind ourselves of "the dream" and "the goal" Sometimes it seems a little overwhelming, but I look back and remind myself that I never came up with this dream on my own, God is the one who placed that dream and if he is the one who planted that dream in my heart, He will be the one to see it through.

The problem is that usually when we make up our resolutions, we get too caught up on the distractions

There is just no enough time

I just don't know if I can do it

It just wont ever happen, so why try?

So my number one resolution is to never give up, even when it seems impossible, or even when I am so tired of it not happening. Most importantly to not focus on the distractions.