Sunday, July 4, 2010


God. God is a God of pure-geniune faithfulness.
This past two months already have been absolutely insane.
from stressing out and almost even doubting if God will come through for a job for both Phil and I to seeing Gods hand on our lives.
The constant battle was trying to know what God wanted....isn't that always our constant battle? I mean I constantly hear people saying "I don't know what God wants me to do yet" or... "just waiting for Gods Will" well...thats great but what happens when you are filled with options...then you hear "I don't know which one God is leading me to" ...."I don't know the right path" ...well...I personally think that sometimes God gives us choices...none are necessarily right or wrong because whichever one you chose you still will be "in the will of God"...I mean he planned out your days long time ago..He knows in the end what your going to do or choose right?...nothing is a surprise to Him. anyway-to go on Phil & I have had quite a number of opportunities of which some were quickly closed because they just weren't right and some well....some were there just wasn't right. *laughs*
in the month of June we both were on the crunch lines...okay God give us a job....come said you would pull through.....and well badda bing bada boom....not until three weeks ago did we finally hear something! and hopefully it is what God wants.....and matter where you are whether Gods Will or not God always wants to teach us something and I'm ready to both learn and now all thats left is...well stress & excitement and all for the wedding!!!... Phil and I both got hugely sick in the past week but praise the Lord we're getting better! anywho thats my rant on our lives for now.....see ya! update you soon

-for this post.