Wednesday, December 1, 2010

God Reads My Blog

so I suggest that you read my previous blog, because there I am writing away thinking "God I really need you to come through, I'm being patient but...seriously I need you to come through" and BAM! God reads my Blog and provides me with an interview then literally 5 minutes later I got a Job!...Hello? Is that not amazing?! come on now!! my God totally knows what I need and here is the best part it is not any is a job in which I need experience in..COFFEE!!! for those of you who actually know me, and know what I want to do for Jesus, you actually know why I am stoked about this!! needless to say, my husband and I are doing a party dance...cause now things are rolling..on a slight pause but rolling slowly I had to share...cause honestly..that is not my doing IT IS ALL JESUS! Jesus knows..seriously.



Well hello there Blog,
how are you doing? abandoned? I know. Well Phil and I are doing sweet husband works a ton and me...looking for jobs and school a ton. so really? Life right now is on a Pause, to be truthful while it is a pause I'm realizing that once again (except this time as a married couple) we are learning how to wait... and oh the joy of waiting...NOT! sometimes its really hard..and that is the reality but all I know is that when we wait patiently and just enjoy where God is taking us now He will reward us in the end. so for now all I know is that God is about to reward us in some big way, he is about to teach us something huge and The Alexandre's are saying "bring it on" ....
simple. yet satisfying...

Patty A.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Every Season. Change.

This video is a representation of my life...the song is written & sung by Nicole Nordeman called every season.

its been a hard and joyful year for me and I feel like
God is truly recreating me in these different seasons of life.
There was dead seasons just like winter
where I felt alone, but I found God in those alone times.
There was alive seasons just like summer
feeling the joy of friends and family and God helping me
and just like fall I felt like God was just preparing me to change...
and just like spring all things are new. and I know in my heart daily I am being restored ...
Many of you know that I have been in a new journey,
just recently got married, had a set job that ended up not working out due to government and now in a whole new plan that I know God will bless...and then I still have school...
and just to let everyone know
I'm focused.
I have a goal and I will reach it.
and just as God is changing me, recreating me, restoring me...I found myself growing in His love and His strength.
be assured that this girl is NOT giving up...I am NOT a quitter...and that which God has created me to do I will do! if that means finish school..I will! if that means planting a church I will!...if that means making more songs to praise the Lord...I will! just wait...out of this individual will arise Gods call. out of this couple...we will serve the Lord...

Patty Alexandre

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Okay so alot has happened in the past weeks...
Phil finally crossed the border and got all our stuff including our precious dog Edmund Bishop Long (Eddie) and he had no trouble really...
But besides that, its just been school work and celebrating birthdays, and cooking and cleaning up.
In two days it will be one more birthday to celebrate, PHIL!!!!...woohoo!...
and the past few weeks upcoming to this one,
I have seen that God has truly blessed us and is continuing to do so.
I also have seen that in the months that have passed us by so many curb balls have come our way, so many things that could have taken our joy away and yet we haven't (Praise God) but mainly we have still had our joy...and I can honestly say that is for two reasons 1. because God is faithful, and when you come to that realization you trust that you know He'll pull through NO MATTER WHAT 2. There is Love and Support in the air. okay laugh if you want I know that sounds kind of cheesy, but seriously. Phil and I are so in love with each other that all these curb balls can hit us and it wont effect our love for each other or our strength to try something else....and then we have friends and families like you who are praying for us, helping us and supporting us with whatever we choose to do. So with that being said.

When curb balls come your way. Trust and Know that God is going to pull through.
He is way too faithful to leave you hanging.Seriously.

The woman-Alexandre

Sunday, September 12, 2010


This week my word was Domestic. I have really noticed that I'm getting into the hang of being a "domestic wife" I saw the definition : "devoted to home life or household affairs" and I loved it! I was like yes, I am devoted to my home and my household affairs! and I know people are probably thinking ....well your a newlywed but 10 years from now your going to be so tired of doing laundry, cleaning and cooking...well I hope not, because when I look at that definition- I want to be that wife that is devoted to her home.

Proverbs 31:27 27 She watches over the affairs of her household
and does not eat the bread of idleness."
Domestic I want to be. Domestic I am.
the Mrs.Alexandre

Saturday, August 21, 2010


well for our friends and family out there...if your wondering about what my fb status is all about.....phil and I went to the border and Phil was denied entry into the United States...needless to say we are now praying for Plan B and C and maybe even D....we need your prayers greatly. This is totally has really been a hard learning process but when you are in the Will of God and you know that God has your back you know that everything will somehow work out according to His will...and I know for a fact that God has some huge plans....! this all to be honest though stinks...phil and I are mixed emotions....

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Its real.

just a random thought first (food for the soul)
one of the greatest battles of all christians and even those who arent is TRUSTing God. and even when we say we is never enough. Let me tell you why. Because God is always looking for ways to have you trust him more!.... and the more that you can trust him the more he can bless you and entrust you with it. so what makes it so hard for us to trust Him? the fact that its mysterious, the fact that it may not go the way WE want to, the fact that we are not in control. And to be truthful i can sit here writing on my dell laptop and say Yes I do trust God and the moment I say it I feel in my heart that there is still more I could trust Him with but I don't yet......Thats why I love God because this relationship could never get boring.

okay so anyway
....packing what a pain and what a joy...while my husband and my dad fix my very old but still chugging along car I am packing my very girlie room...realizing I am leaving my childhood behind....not the memories but the stuff...all the teddies all the memorabilia its so weird to me. I feel so Grown up!....hah....maybe cause I am....weird!
-this post.
patty ALEXANDRE woot woot!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Phil's first post!!!! Here we GOOOOOOO!

Well Patty is no longer a Ms., but has graduated into the Mrs. category... and better yet, she's MY Mrs!

God has definitely pulled through with everything. I give thanks to Him because of all the generous people in our lives ya know? We've been blessed with so much, not necessarily money or materialistic things, but love, peace, and family/friends. We have such great friends and I am so thankful for them all. It really is a bitter sweet time in my life though. Only recently I've gotten closer and began to really want a relationship with my cousins, and I'm leaving. It's a little unfair, but I hope they understand that if I stayed, they'd be in my favorite 5 (cell phone commercial).

Well, in the next two weeks we will be packing up all our belongings. It's kind of weird actually... taking all your possessions like all the elementary paintings, teddy bears, piano recital rewards, a small mountain of model cars, and of course my shelves of soccer trophies... Everything. But it's okay. The more I think about things, the more grateful I am. I get to start a life of my own... well, our own... with all the stuff I had. It's like starting from scratch... but not really. An adventure for sure!

I don't know what else to say. Patty told me to give this a shot so I did. Oh... well, since the last morning of the honeymoon, my stomach has been rotten! I haven't been able to really keep things down too well... well, maybe down is the wrong word... more like IN... ha ha ah... if you get my drift. I began writing this on the couch, and am finishing on the John (gross? whatever... you facebook addicts do it... I know it!) because I'm in a bunch of pain. Not enough to go to the hospital, but enough to be really irritating.

To finish, the next couple weeks are going to be hectic and I'm trying to keep my head on straight, but you know what... If God is in control, all I have to do is my part, let Him do His, and everything will work out. Like Jesus said (in the PLT [Phil's Literal Translation]), "Don't freak out about tomorrow because tomorrows messed up too... focus on today and God'll get you through!" Matthew 6:34... ish... ha ha ha...

God's great, Friends are good, and life is going.


Phil Alexandre

Sunday, July 4, 2010


God. God is a God of pure-geniune faithfulness.
This past two months already have been absolutely insane.
from stressing out and almost even doubting if God will come through for a job for both Phil and I to seeing Gods hand on our lives.
The constant battle was trying to know what God wanted....isn't that always our constant battle? I mean I constantly hear people saying "I don't know what God wants me to do yet" or... "just waiting for Gods Will" well...thats great but what happens when you are filled with options...then you hear "I don't know which one God is leading me to" ...."I don't know the right path" ...well...I personally think that sometimes God gives us choices...none are necessarily right or wrong because whichever one you chose you still will be "in the will of God"...I mean he planned out your days long time ago..He knows in the end what your going to do or choose right?...nothing is a surprise to Him. anyway-to go on Phil & I have had quite a number of opportunities of which some were quickly closed because they just weren't right and some well....some were there just wasn't right. *laughs*
in the month of June we both were on the crunch lines...okay God give us a job....come said you would pull through.....and well badda bing bada boom....not until three weeks ago did we finally hear something! and hopefully it is what God wants.....and matter where you are whether Gods Will or not God always wants to teach us something and I'm ready to both learn and now all thats left is...well stress & excitement and all for the wedding!!!... Phil and I both got hugely sick in the past week but praise the Lord we're getting better! anywho thats my rant on our lives for now.....see ya! update you soon

-for this post.