Friday, October 15, 2010

Every Season. Change.

This video is a representation of my life...the song is written & sung by Nicole Nordeman called every season.

its been a hard and joyful year for me and I feel like
God is truly recreating me in these different seasons of life.
There was dead seasons just like winter
where I felt alone, but I found God in those alone times.
There was alive seasons just like summer
feeling the joy of friends and family and God helping me
and just like fall I felt like God was just preparing me to change...
and just like spring all things are new. and I know in my heart daily I am being restored ...
Many of you know that I have been in a new journey,
just recently got married, had a set job that ended up not working out due to government and now in a whole new plan that I know God will bless...and then I still have school...
and just to let everyone know
I'm focused.
I have a goal and I will reach it.
and just as God is changing me, recreating me, restoring me...I found myself growing in His love and His strength.
be assured that this girl is NOT giving up...I am NOT a quitter...and that which God has created me to do I will do! if that means finish school..I will! if that means planting a church I will!...if that means making more songs to praise the Lord...I will! just wait...out of this individual will arise Gods call. out of this couple...we will serve the Lord...

Patty Alexandre


  1. I love it sweetie...God for it my fireball, I know you are a brave dynamite passionated God living girl and with God's and you husband help and all of our love you will do what The Lord has made you do to and be. May God continue to bless you both abundantly!

  2. ahhhhhhhhhhhhh. i found you on my fb page today and then of course had to creep around and see who you are. :)

    anyhow... i came across this post on your blog and i listened the song and was brought to tears, instantly. god sure knows what we need when we need it, hey?

    thank you. xo
